Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Out of the mouths of boys...

My son has been very interested in Spanish lately. So he came to me and said,

"I know how you hiccup in Spanish."

"Really! How?"


Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Obviously my train of thought was very interrupted by our new little one. I will try to pick up where I left off...

The comments on pain have been very interesting. I have been incredibly frustrated with my theories on pain, partly because no one wants to tread in the water in which I wade. And so I am left to play in the depths by myself, while everyone looks on in horror. I read a devotional the other day that really put things in perspective. It was about Caleb and the promised land. He went with eleven other spies to seek info. And when they came back, Caleb and Joshua were the only ones who gave a good report about God's Promised Land. And yet because of the unfaithfulness of the people, the Israelites had to wonder the dessert for forty more years. Can you imagine what Caleb was thinking for forty years,"If you had listened to me, we wouldn't be in the dessert!" I wonder if just for a moment he thought about sitting himself down in the sand and saying, "Nope! Not going to wonder around here! God said this was ours and I am staying right here!" Instead he had to suffer for the other people's unfaithfulness. That sucks!

But God did reward him. When all of his peers died in the wilderness, he was one of only a few who went into the promised land and received his inheritance.

I hope this makes sense, because I am still adjusting to limited sleep!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I know I haven't written...

But there has been a lot going on these past few weeks. As you may know, we got a phone call last Monday that DCF was bringing a baby to us. She was born on Feb 13, so she is a little one. We are not sure how long we will have her, we are just taking it one day at a time.

What is amazing to me is the comments people have made about our decision to take this child into our home. We feel honored to be able to care for this child.