Things your Pastor's Wife wants to say but doesn't:
- Please don't call around 6 pm (dinner time) unless it is a real emergency. See #2
- A real emergency is not: a funny joke you heard about a preacher, a rabbi, and a priest..., we have probably heard it before; to ask where that scripture is, google it!;
- Please do not discipline our children, unless you are in a close relationship with them, ie, Sunday School teacher. You may know them, but it does not mean they know you.
- We are at church a lot, Tues-Prayer Group, Wed-Bible Study, Thurs-Choir or Children's group, Friday-Youth Group or Fill-in-the-blank, Sat-Church, Sun-Church, am & pm. So if you see our kids playing outside when they are "supposed" to be in church, it's OK! They have been here a lot this week.
- The pastor is not perfect. This may be a no-brainer for some but some need to hear this. There have been many times women have approached saying how lucky I am to be married to him. My first reaction is "HA!" He is a great guy, mind you, but he is NOT perfect. He still forgets things and he is still human! But on the other hand...see #6
- He is still my husband. There have also been people who have approached me complaining that he did something that offended them or did not do something correctly. I want to say "Do you understand, he is my husband!" Don't complain to me about him, I may hurt you!!
- Do not be offended if I do not wave or smile or other such nicety to you when I am out and about. Chances are I did not see you, or I was distracted by taking care of my children, my primary priority!
- Please do not jump on me when I first walk into church on Sunday morning. Remember while my husband was at church early this morning, I was getting all the children ready by myself along with trying to get ready as well. Some mornings do not go smoothly, give me a minute!
- Sometimes we, as in our family, have crises also! We do not like to announce this to the whole church. So do not be offended because we did not "confide" in you.
- Sometimes the best thing to do for your pastor and his family is to pray for them. I am incredibly grateful for the prayers of God's people!