Tuesday, April 1, 2008

No More Whining!

All of you who are mothers have uttered these words probably more times than you can count. I am not sure about anyone else, but whining completely drains me of all energy. It grates on my nerves and causes me to lose my patience quick! Especially when the whining is groundless and complaint ridden.

Unfortunately, my diatribe is not concerning the smaller of us, but is directed to the adults in this world. I have heard it said before that if you are complaining and not offering a solution, then you are just whining! Now don't get me wrong I understand some peoples need for constructive criticism (if that even exists!) but there are some that just want to point out all the flaws and complain that it's not right.

Here's a thought! Instead of complaining, how about we all jump in and do something about it. You know, see a need and meet a need! If you see something is not being done or you don't think it is being done right, do it yourself!

Just venting!


Anonymous said...

I tend to agree with you. This has always been a pet peeve of mine. I only wish it could be true across the board. Sometimes all you can do is offer up criticism. Especially when matters are out of your hands and you don't have the power to change them or when ideas aren't accepted. What I've done in situations like these is change the areas I am responsible for and have the ability to change.

great post. glad to see you back blogging!!

Anonymous said...

I'm on board. Sometimes I even annoy myself. You now have the permission to knock me on the head if I am guilty! Thanks. I love that you tell it straight.