Warning: I am posting a pet peeve.
I have a pet peeve. This really bothers me to the point of making me nauseous. So here it is: I do not like it when people try to sell Jesus!
I am not talking about the gimmicky T-shirts and bumper stickers. Even though that can be over the top sometimes! No I am talking about preachers and the sort who do the hard sell for Jesus. You know the kind I am talking about! The preacher says, "You really need Jesus. You need him and let me tell you why?" I always want to ask this guy, "Are you trying to convince others or yourself?"
So then I thought about the sales men in our world. What are they selling you that you need ? There is the proverbial used-car salesmen. Then the insurance salesman. Then the "oh-my-goodness-why-didn't-I-think-of-that-gadget" salesman. All of these things are products or services. My God is neither of these things. We should not have to convince anyone that they need our God. He is not something to be "bought into".
The bible says that we should be a "light on the hill". No one who lives in darkness should be convinced that they need a light. So what are we selling Jesus for? If we, who are called by His Name, are being the light that those who dwell in darkness need, then those who live in darkness will want our light, we will not have to convince them. Am I making sense to anyone?
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