Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pain Again

Obviously I am working with a theme here. I had this idea about pain, again. What started me thinking about this was a documentary I saw about this woman who gave birth naturally, to twins, in her home, without pain meds and the second baby was breach! Needless to say, it was quite intense! But what she said was interesting. She said that she knew she did not have time to get to a hospital with the second baby and there was not a whole lot she could do, except she had to calm herself to keep her heart rate down so that the baby would not be in distress. She said she just went with the pain. Wow! This concept of embracing the pain is beautifully illustrated in labor. Women embrace the pain because they know the beauty that is theirs to hold at the end of their arduous ordeal. If the pain was ignored or prevented, there would be death to the mother and/or child. It is truly the most beautiful pain!


Anonymous said...

if i don't care, you can't hurt me -- comfortable numbness. better than hell - but it sure isn't joy. geez, thanks christy :) , you've got me thinking now!

Christie said...

or could it be hell?